How to create the debug info to attach to your support ticket

To provide us with all data about your environment and you will need:

  • the text file with the rates update output and the debug info,
  • the .log files from the WooCommerce log directory (/wp-content/uploads/wc-logs/),
  • the WooCommerce system status report (/wp-admin/admin.php?page=wc-status)

Step by Step tutorial:

  1. Enable logging in the CryptoWoo settings under "Debugging".
  2. Go to the Database Actions page
    refresh the rates manually and paste the output to a text file.
  3. Scroll to the bottom of that page and paste the debug info to your text file. It will only be displayed when logging is enabled.
  4. Create a testorder, send the payment and wait for at least one minute before you continue.
  5. Disable logging in the CryptoWoo settings
  6. Use your FTP client to download the .log files that begin with "cryptowoo-" from
  7. Create a WooCommerce status report on this page
    by clicking ‘Get System Report’ and save it to another text file.
  8. Attach the files to your support ticket.


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